Quarterly Progress Report - Second Quarter, Year 5


Here is a link to the full progress report.  Here is a high level overview of progress made this quarter:

  • Adopting OER as an Equity Strategy” was published as an open access article in the September/October edition of Nursing Education Perspectives. This articles shares student outcomes in WTCS nursing courses that have adopted Open RN OER textbooks.

  • The online version of Nursing Skills, 2e was released in August 2023 using the same URL as the first edition. Here is the list of revisions made to the 2nd edition. The affordable print version is currently being developed with XanEdu.
  • As previously reported, Nursing Assistant was released in January 2023 using HEERF funding. A print version is now available from XanEdu. A Student Workbook was also published in Canvas Commons with over 120 H5P learning activities and virtual simulations.  A webpage was also created with links these learning activities for instructors who do not have access to Canvas.
  • As previously reported, Nursing Health Alterations is currently being developed. The content in this book is aligned with a second semester nursing course that is completed by both Practical Nursing students as well as Associate Degree Nursing students in the first year of the A.D.N. program.  It is anticipated this book will be ready for peer review in Spring 2024.
  • As previously reported,  Medical Terminology 2e is currently being developed with funding from a Department of Labor EduSTAT grant. It is anticipated the online version of this book will be released by Summer 2024. This is a common course completed by high school dual-enrollment students and others who are potentially interested in nursing and other health-related fields. Terminology and concepts will be consistent with those used in the Open RN series of textbooks.
  • An additional $3 million in state funding was received by the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) to create, adapt, and adopt OER across multiple disciplines. CVTC will be using a portion of these funds to create a Nursing Health Promotion OER textbook that contains Maternal/Child content in addition to health promotion concepts. This book will be developed through 2024 and it is projected an online version will be available by January 2025.
  • NCLEX Next-Generation-style questions have been added to all chapters of Nursing Pharmacology 2e, Nursing Skills 2e and Nursing Mental Health & Community Concepts. NGN questions will continue to be added to the remaining Open RN textbooks. This project is in collaboration with LibreTexts and their ADAPT homework platform.
  • Open RN Virtual Simulations continue to be created and added to this working document, with a recent focus on using generative AI to create engaging, authentic learning experiences with diverse patients and health care staff. These virtual simulations are built in H5P and can be accessed via a hyperlink and any device that connects to the internet.
  • Open RN Virtual Reality Scenario Plans continue to be added to this working document, with a recent focus on OB. Open RN uses the Acadicus VR platform, but the scenario plans can be “remixed” and used in multiple types of simulation.


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