Quarterly Monitoring Report, Second Quarter, Year 3


Here is the quarterly program update report sent to the Department of Education and a high level overview of the grant progress from this quarter:

  • Open RN e-books reached over one million page views by over 320,000 international users this month! Several colleges across the country have adopted one or more of the Open RN textbooks.
  • The Nursing Fundamentals e-book was published in July in Pressbooks. The Nursing Fundamentals, Nursing Skills and Nursing Pharmacology textbooks have been uploaded to LibreTexts for easy remixing. XanEdu will publish the optional, affordable, soft-cover print version of Open RN Nursing Fundamentals this fall.
  • The development of the Nursing Management and Professional Concepts e-book is nearing completion in Pressbooks and will undergo piloting and national peer review in January 2022. Additional information will be sent later this fall to individuals who registered on the Open RN website and indicated interest in being a peer reviewer.
  • The Nursing Mental Health and Community Concepts textbook is in development and will be published by Fall 2022.
  • Data analyzed from the 2020-2021 academic year demonstrated that Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) course sections who reported adopting Open RN textbooks had a 5% better student success rate (i.e., students achieving a grade of “C” or better) as compared to WTCS course sections not using OER. Additionally, over $1 million in overall student savings resulted from the impact of the Open RN project on multidisciplinary OER adoption across WTCS colleges. Data will continue to be collected for the 2021-2022 academic year.
  • Virtual Reality Centers at CVTC and NWTC were in the local news this past month as we celebrated National Simulation Week. See links to the TV broadcasts and newspaper articles in the report. Virtual reality simulations programmed in the Acadicus VR software platform continue to be developed with associated Open RN Scenario/Teaching plans. Additionally, 18 online, asynchronous, OER virtual simulations using H5P branching scenarios have been developed and shared. The OER virtual simulations continue to receive excellent student and faculty feedback and additional scenarios will continue to be developed. The OER virtual simulations have also been uploaded to the LibreStudio repository for easy reuse.


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