OER Success Stories
OER Success Stories:
- A WTCS nursing faculty member who adopted the OER Nursing Pharmacology textbook in her courses shared this student success data. (Keep in mind this is despite the impact of COVID ramifications):
- Fall 2019 (pre-OER): 75.8% average student pass rate
- Spring 2020 (OER as resource): 86.9% average student pass rate
- Fall 2020 (OER as resource): 81.7% average student pass rate
- A nursing student attending a non-WTCS college was failing the math component of her nursing course. Despite using several resources, the math calculations didn't make sense to her. She studied the resources in the "Math Calculations" chapter of the Nursing Pharmacology book and passed!
- WTCS students piloting the Open RN Nursing Skills textbook have shared that the associated online learning activities in each chapter have been helpful in learning the content.
- A nursing student shared that she has been sharing one textbook for each nursing course with five roommates to save money. With various work and school schedules, it was difficult to find a time to study using the textbook. Now with free Open RN e-books, they each have a copy of the book to use.
Email your success stories to openrn@cvtc.edu - we love to hear the positive impact of OER on student success!
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