Quarterly Monitoring Report, Third Quarter, Second Year


View the Quarterly Monitoring Report for the Third Quarter, Second Year

Key Activities:
1. As of December 15, there are 22,000 national and international users of the Nursing Pharmacology e-book who have completed over 44,000 sessions since June 1, 2020. Additionally, 970 copies of the Nursing Pharmacology print version sold at college bookstores and on Amazon at an affordable cost ranging from $38 to $42, and 413 individuals from colleges from across the country have downloaded the free pdf print version from XanEdu.  

2. Development of the Nursing Skills book has completed and it will be piloted in several WTCS nursing course sections in Spring 2021.  The national peer review process will occur in February 2021.  Revisions will be made to the book based on peer review and survey feedback, and the e-book and optional print version will be published in Summer 2021.

3. The Nursing Fundamentals book continues to be developed and the peer review process is anticipated to occur in Spring 2021. The e-book and optional print version will also be published in Summer 2021.

4. H5P learning activities continue to be developed using augmented reality simulation videos on the Open RN YouTube Channel. To date, there have been over 38,000 video views, 180 hours of watch time, and 92 subscribers to the Open RN YouTube channel.

5.  The first VR prototype nursing scenario, “Cardiac Medication Administration,” was designed for a first semester nursing student and requires application of knowledge and skills gained from the Nursing Pharmacology, Nursing Skills, and Nursing Fundamentals textbooks while caring for a patient with dementia who becomes increasingly agitated. This scenario can be completed using Acadicus software by students wearing an Oculus Rift S headset to become completely immersed in the VR environment.  

Additionally, in response to remote learning required by COVID disruption, this scenario can also be shared by a faculty member signed into Acadicus using a screen broadcasting tool, such as Zoom. This second option reduces access barriers for students and only requires the use of a traditional laptop by the student.  See a video demonstration of this first prototype scenario. A prototype H5P scenario associated with the “Cardiac Medication Administration” VR scenario is currently in development and will be ready for piloting in January 2021.


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