Here is a link to the Quarterly Monitoring Report for the Second Quarter of the Second Year of the Open RN grant. Key activities completed this quarter: 1. The Nursing Pharmacology e-book was published in June 2020 and the free edited pdf and affordable print version was published by XanEdu in August 2020. Print versions are available in college bookstores and on Amazon . To date, there are almost 4000 users of the e-book nationally and internationally, and over 300 downloads by 200 institutions of the free pdf version. 2. Virtual reality scenario development has begun and five VR centers are being established at CVTC, Gateway, Madison, MPTC and NWTC. 3. There have been almost 13,000 views of the ARISE simulation OER videos uploaded to the Open RN YouTube channel . These videos have been incorporated into 12 online OER virtual simulations using H5P branching scenarios , and faculty also have the option to incorporate these v...