OER 101 Graduates Announced - March 2020


Congratulations to the March 2020 cohort of OER 101! 

A big shout-out to our most recent OER 101 graduates! Each of these individuals has some fantastic works in progress to increase student affordability and success at their institutions.

First NameLast NameInstitution
LisaBlohmNortheast Technical College
LaurieBoetcherChippewa Valley Technical College
TamiDavisChippewa Valley Technical College
VonniDeMasterLakeshore Technical College
KarynGermanMadison College
DebJohnson-SchuhMid-State Technical College
ErinKupkovitsMadison College
KirstenMoffler-DaykinWestern Technical College
TennilleO'ConnorChippewa Valley Technical College
RoreyPritchardAllevant Solutions, Mayo Clinic
EllenRangeWestern Technical College
AngelaRoeslerNorthcentral Technical College
ErickaSipiorskiLakeshore Technical College
JennaSorensonWestern Technical College
LindaVan Sistine-YostWestern Technical College

For more information about OER 101, or to register for an upcoming cohort, visit www.cvtc.edu/OpenRN.


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