
Showing posts from April, 2020

New Virtual Simulation: OB Active Labor

To assist faculty who are replacing clinical with online learning activities during the COVID-19 crisis, a new online H5P learning activity has been created by the Open RN team on OB Active Labor. The H5P link is A Teaching Plan that contains suggested facilitator questions for virtual group discussion following the online learning activity is also available. This scenario is based on the previously created  ARISE OB Nursing Level 2B scenario  that is used with iPads and the free ARIS app.

COVID-19 Assessment and PPE

Can Sim, the Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators using Simulation, has created a free virtual simulation on COVID-19 Assessment and PPE related to nursing care. The link to this simulation is: What does CC licensing CC BY NC ND mean? “BY” stands for attribution (you must credit the author in your attribution statement when using this product); “ NC ” stands for NonCommercial (you can't use it for commercial use); “ ND ”  means  NoDerivatives (only verbatim copies of the work can be shared.)

OER 101 Graduates Announced - March 2020

  Congratulations to the March 2020 cohort of OER 101!  A big shout-out to our most recent OER 101 graduates! Each of these individuals has some fantastic works in progress to increase student affordability and success at their institutions. First Name Last Name Institution Lisa Blohm Northeast Technical College Laurie Boetcher Chippewa Valley Technical College Tami Davis Chippewa Valley Technical College Vonni DeMaster Lakeshore Technical College Karyn German Madison College Deb Johnson-Schuh Mid-State Technical College Erin Kupkovits Madison College Kirsten Moffler-Daykin Western Technical College Tennille O'Connor Chippewa Valley Technical College Rorey Pritchard Allevant Solutions, Mayo Clinic Ellen Range Western Technical College Angela Roesler Northcentral Technical College Ericka Sipiorski Lakeshore Technical College Jenna Sorenson Western Technical College Linda Van Sistine-Yost Western Technical College For more information about OER 101, or to register for an upcomin...

Links to Open RN H5P patient care scenarios

In our attempt to assist nursing faculty in quickly developing online learning activities during the COVID crisis, the Open RN team is maintaining a Google doc containing links to newly created OER H5P patient care scenarios and associated teaching plans. These scenarios are also being uploaded to Canvas Commons so that faculty can easily import them into Canvas LMS. Additionally, the OER media for these scenarios is located on the Open RN You Tube channel for faculty to  potentially create their own scenarios.  The media is organized by Playlist according to the previously developed ARISE Simulations that are available in Skills Commons .

Newborn Virtual Simulation Scenario

As part of the response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Open RN team is pleased to announce the release of an OER Newborn Assessment Virtual Simulation  created in the H5P platform.  Faculty can incorporate this link into their learning management system for students to independently complete this scenario on their computer: An associated Teaching Plan is also provided for faculty with additional discussion questions that can potentially be used for a group activity.  Please provide feedback on this scenario using the survey link in the Teaching Plan.  We value your feedback as we continue to create additional virtual simulations using H5P.