
Showing posts from March, 2020

New virtual simulation activities - Patient with Heart Failure on a Ventilator and Patient with Chronic Angina

The Open RN team has quickly created 2 new H5P branching scenarios that can be used as "virtual simulation" by instructors trying to find  online learning activities to substitute for clinical. In addition to assigning these as independent learning activities, instructors could also potentially add additional group discussion questions regarding: focused assessments, setting goals and outcome criteria, prioritization of interventions, and evaluation.   Suggested discussion questions are included in the teaching plans below. Scenario overviews and associated teaching plans: 1.  Patient with heart failure on a ventilator: Teaching Plan Overview :   Hector Fernandez is a 62-year-old male patient with a history of heart failure who was brought to the Emergency Department via EMS. He subsequently arrested, was resuscitated, and is now on a mechanical ventilator. Learning Objectives Incorporate evidence-based pr...

Free Microsim on donning and doffing PPE when caring for a patient with suspected COVID

This free Microsim was shared on a Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) listserv. It was created by the SSH president and his team at Eastern Virginia Medical Center based on current guidelines.  See his message below: The  microsim  is focused on CDC guidelines specific to COVID-19, and references all the current guidelines.  The  microsim  guides the learner through a ~10 minute lesson in donning and doffing, evaluates the learner's knowledge, as well as their confidence performing the tasks, which may be useful for managers. I urge this application be shared widely.  Here's the link:   Feel free to share this with anyone that you think might benefit from it.    It is a  FREE resource  that we built to serve our extended community.

Resources for Virtual Simulation

The attached document was shared on a Society for Simulation in Healthcare listserv.  It includes many resources available for potential use for virtual simulation to substitute for clinical hours - created by Carrie Eaton and shared by: Lori Hardie, MSN, RNC-MNN, NPD-BC, CHSE Manager of Simulation Franciscan Health 421 North Emerson Avenue Greenwood, IN 46143

OER Simulation videos related to providing care at end of life and for patients on ventilators added to Open RN YouTube Channel

OER videos from the ARISE project related to providing nursing care to patients at the end of life and to those on a ventilator were added to the Open RN YouTube Channel today.  Although these videos can be difficult to watch, it is our hope to provide nursing students the opportunity to practice using therapeutic communication skills at these difficult times before they actually have to do so with real patients and their family members.

Newborn OER media, ACEN and WI SBON decisions related to virtual simulation

Many OER  ARISE videos related to newborn nursing care and associated parent education were uploaded to the OpenRN YouTube channel today.  Nurse educators can use these OER videos to customize their own online learning activities; associated Newborn Simulation OER Teaching Plans are located on Skills Commons .  Here is a   spreadsheet  outlining all of the available ARISE simulations and serious games.  Here is the link to the ARISE OER videos uploaded to date. * Virtual Simulation in Nursing Education Update: Today the WI State Board of Nursing approved the use of virtual simulation learning activities to substitute for clinical hours during this COVID emergency situation in Wisconsin.  ACEN has also approved the temporary use of " distance education and simulation for clinical/practicum learning experiences ."

OB OER media added to Open RN YouTube Channel

As we continue to assist educators who are rapidly creating online learning activities during the COVID crisis, additional OER videos from the ARISE project is continually being added to the Open RN YouTube channel . Today, based on faculty request,  videos related to several ARISE OB Simulation scenarios was added. Here is a link to a list of ARISE videos (by scenario) that have been added to the YouTube channel.  This list is continually updated.  Any requests for additional uploads of ARISE videos should be emailed to Kim Ernstmeyer at . These OER videos were created as part of the ARISE project (Augmented Reality in Simulation Education), funded by a TAACCCT4 grant from the Department of Labor. Associated teaching plans can be found on Skills Commons at Please attribute these videos from the ARISE Simulations created by Chippewa Valley Technical College, licensed under CC BY 4.0.  ...

New online learning activity related to caring for a patient with heart failure

A fourth OER learning activity has been created by the Open RN project: Patient with heart failure in a LTC facility :   Learning Objectives: Provide care for an adult patient in a long term care setting with a history of heart failure Identify common assessment findings in a heart failure patient Describe common interventions for heart failure management These scenarios are free and open to use, adapt or modify for your courses by using the link provided.  When using this scenario, please use the following attribution: This Heart Failure scenario by Chippewa Valley Technical College is licensed under CC BY 4.0. Access the associated OER textbook for free at This scenario has been added to the list of Open RN H5P scenarios . Additional scenarios will be added to this list as they are created.

NCLEX Next Generation: Case Study Questions

NCSBN just released " The NGN Case Study " in their quarterly Next Generation NCLEX News, explaining how Next Generation questions are formatted in association with case studies.  The Open RN project is currently creating similar case studies and critical thinking questions for the Nursing OER Textbooks using H5P.   If you have personally developed similar case studies for your Pharmacology, Skills, Fundamentals, Mental Health or Management  courses that you would be interested in sharing with the Open RN project under CC by 4.0 licensing, please feel free to forward them to Kim Ernstmeyer at If your case study is selected for use by the Open RN workgroup, your name will be credited in the associated textbook.

OER Media on Open RN YouTube channel

In an effort to assist nursing educators who are currently creating additional online learning activities due to the COVID-19 closures, we are uploading OER media to our Open RN YouTube channel . Here is a link to a Google doc containing the YouTube video links as the videos are uploaded.   This media was originally created using actors for the ARISE project, and was funded by a TAACCCT4 grant from the Department of Labor.  It is currently being re-used to develop additional H5P activities in our Open RN Nursing Textbooks. This free media is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license. Instructors can potentially use this media to create their own learning activities and attribute the source.  The videos are also automatically captioned in YouTube.   We respectfully request that you "pay it forward" and share your newly developed learning activities with other nurse educators by applying "CC BY 4.0" licensing to your work.  In this manner, we can collab...

Alternative learning activities for clinical during COVID-19 closings

Nursing faculty have reached out with questions regarding potential learning activities to substitute for clinical in the midst of the COVID-19 closings. Here are some options: A. The ARISE project , which was supported by a Department of Labor grant that has now ended. 150 simulations and serious games were created for nursing, respiratory therapy, and other disciplines.  Here are two ways to access these free scenarios, which require the use of an iPad and free app called "ARIS": 1. Skills Commons: Faculty Information/Instructions: All of the simulations are located at: 2. Everything was also added to a Google Drive that is organized by subfolders containing simulations, serious games and case studies: See the spreadshee...

WNA Nurses at the Capitol Day

Sharing news about Open RN Nursing OER textbooks with over 900 nurses, nurse educators and nursing students at the WNA “Nurses Day at the Capitol” during OE Week!

Fourth Quarter Performance Monitoring Support

The fourth quarter performance monitoring report was shared with over 230 individuals across the country and Canada who registered on the Open RN webpage for additional information.  Highlights of Open RN grant activities from the past quarter include: The Peer Review process for the Nursing Pharmacology OER textbook is concluding.  Over 40 peer reviewers from across the country volunteered to be a part of the review process and registered on the Open RN website.  Reviewers completed a rubric and also had the option to add comments within the electronic version of the textbook using .    The textbook is also currently being piloted in nursing courses in five WTCS colleges, and a survey was provided to faculty and survey to complete. All comments will be reviewed, and revisions will be made to the Nursing Pharmacology textbook, before the first edition is published in Pressb...