Work on the Open RN Fundamentals and Skills books has begun!
Kickoff meetings for the Open RN workgroups for the Fundamentals and Skills OER textbooks were held via WebEx the week of November 18th. The groups met again via WebEx the week of December 9th to discuss workflow and develop a workplan for those faculty interested in developing modules over the Winter holiday break. Workgroups will meet to review modules in development at the end of January/early February 2020. The overall goal is to have all modules written for both books by September 1st, 2020. At that time, they will be edited for consistency and will undergo final formatting in Pressbooks, with anticipation of piloting in select WTCS courses in Spring 2021 semester.
Is it possible to be a reviewer of the Fundamentals and Skills OER textbooks and not the Pharmacology testbook OER? I teach Fundamentals and Skills, not Pharmacology.