
Showing posts from November, 2020

OER 101 Graduates Announced - October 2020

  Congratulations to the October cohort of OER 101!  We are excited to see the where these trailblazers' journeys in open education takes them, and the many impacts they will have on their students.  First Name Last Name Institution Chelsey Balsiger Chippewa Valley Technical College Lisa Bechard Mid-State Technical College Jolene Brost Chippewa Valley Technical College Stacy Doering Chippewa Valley Technical College Sharon Fox St. Louis Community College Sandy Fry Gateway Technical College Amy Fuchsteiner Western Technical College Jeanette Gile Fox Valley Technical College Kristi Hagen Chippewa Valley Technical College Dawn Johnson Chippewa Valley Technical College Tracy Joosten Mid-State Technical College Matthew Kelly Mid-State Technical College Laura Neal Gateway Technical College Kimberly Oninski Northeast Wisconsin Technical College Brandee Ortery Western Technical College Kristi Pilger Mid-State Technical College Amy Poteet Western Technical College Grace Rommelfang...

Peer Review Rubric

  During the Open Ed presentation today, we were asked to share the rubric we used for the peer review process of the Nursing Pharmacology textbook.  This rubric was based on rubrics used by Achieve, Open Textbook Network, and Quality Matters (see the reference citations in the rubric). We also created a private group using the platform to allow peer reviewers to make comments within the text of the textbook.  The comments received from both processes were very helpful in polishing the first edition of our first OER textbook.

Prototype: Using Zoom to Screen Broadcast a VR scenario

  Here is a video  of our first draft prototype using Zoom to screen broadcast an Open RN virtual reality scenario to students remotely.  This novice-level scenario was designed for an entry-level, first semester nursing student to apply content learned from the Nursing Pharmacology, Nursing Skills, and Nursing Fundamentals textbooks as they provide care to an elderly patient with dementia in a long-term care center.  The instructor facilitates the simulation scenario for the student group using INACSL Standards of Best Practice.  The sim tech provides the patient voice and manages the avatar's vital signs, physiology, and nonverbal communication similar to a physical simulation lab. As you view the video, Kim is role playing the instructor; Liz is role playing the student; and Dominic is role playing the sim tech.  The virtual reality scene was created using  Acadicus , the VR vendor selected for the Open RN project.

Impact of OER on Student Success

  It was great to hear about the progress being made by the DOERS3  project on research regarding how OER improves student success at one of the #OpenEd20 sessions today.  Here is the link to the previously published journal article " The Impact of OER on Various Student Metrics " We will begin collecting nursing student success metrics in WTCS Nursing course sections using the Open RN textbooks starting in Fall 2020.

Equality versus Equity Image

  CC-licensed image  shared during the #OpenEd20 Tuesday plenary session that can be reused to encourage faculty reflection on how OER provide equity for our students.
The  #OpenEd20 virtual conference is in progress with four more days of "invigorating ideas, fresh perspectives, and new connections." You can still register for live, asynchronous, and on-demand viewing of sessions for only $75.  Come join us at the Open RN Update live session on Thursday, November 12th at 12:00 CST!

WLN Excellence in Simulation Conference

  Thank you to Wisconsin League of Nursing for the opportunity to share Open RN's innovative virtual reality and virtual simulation open access resources during the 2020 Fall Virtual Conference on Excellence in Simulation .  We  enjoyed the presentations by Dr. Pam Jeffries and Dr. Kristina Dreifuerst and look forward to viewing the other concurrent presentations on demand. If you missed the live virtual conference, you can still register to view the conference presentations on demand until February 1, 2021.

MHEC Presentation

  Thank you @MHEC12 for the opportunity to virtually share successes and lessons learned from the Open RN project with our midwestern colleagues on October 29, 2020.